"We Love Him because, He First Loved Us!" 
I John 4:19 (KJV)

McFadden Whaley Family Reunion Website 





September 1, 2012


Table of Contents

Article I Name

Article II Purpose

Article III Members

Article IV Officers

Article V Duties of Officers

Article VI Election of Officers

Article VII Meetings

Article VIII Order

Article IX Amendments & Adoption of Bylaws




September 1, 2012

Article I. Name:

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the McFadden-Whaley Family Reunion.

Article II. Purpose:

Section 1. The purpose of this organization is to promote harmony and bond kinship among our family members and to encourage continuous respect and pride to each generation of our family heritage. Social unity is promoted within this organizational process. It will also serve as a forum to educate present and future generations on the history and accomplishments of our ancestors and their descendants.

Article III. Members:

Section 1. The membership of this organization shall be family members of the McFadden-Whaley Family and their descendants.

Section 2. McFadden-Whaley Family Reunion dues shall be set by the Executive Committee (The Executive Committee consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary). Dues are not required to sustain membership in this organization.

Article IV. Officers:

Section 1. The officers shall be a President/Chairperson, Vice President/Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian, Music Director and Regional Directors.

Section 2. Term of office. There are no set number of years a Chairperson can serve in succession. A Chairperson shall serve until he/she is ready to relinquish their post or family reunion members vote them out of office. In which case, a successor shall be named.


Article V. Duties of Officers:

Section 1. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall take the lead in all official business of the organization.

Section 2. The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson.

Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep records of all proceedings at all business meetings.

Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall assist in all family correspondences.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and depositing all monies and assessments from McFadden-Whaley Family Reunion members in a timely manner. She/he is to keep an accurate record of all incoming and outgoing of monies and providing a receipt to all family members.

Section 6. The Historians shall compile and research all McFadden-Whaley family history.

Section 7. Parliamentarian shall interpret the by-laws of the McFadden-Whaley family constitution & By-laws.

Section 8. Regional or City Directors
a) Shall gather and disburse information to family members of that region or city in a timely manner.

b) Make frequent reports to Chairperson.

Article VI. Election of Officers:

Section 1. The election of officers shall be held whenever a vacancy is created.

a) Voting for officers shall be done by a show of hands at the business meetings at the McFadden-Whaley Family Reunion.

b) The election of officers shall be an agenda item of the family business meeting.

c) Voters of this organization shall be family members of the McFadden-Whaley Family.

d) President or Chairperson will also have the authority to appoint offices.


Article VII. Meetings:

Section 1. A business meeting shall be held at the conclusion of every McFadden-Whaley family reunion. The host or chairperson shall determine the time and place.

Section 2. A quorum shall consist of family members present at the announced time.

Article VIII. Order:

Section 1. The proceedings and deliberations of this organization shall be governed by the McFadden-Whaley Reunion Constitution and by-laws.

Article IX. Amendments and Adoption By-Laws:

Section 1. These by-laws may be amended or altered at the regular McFadden-Whaley Family Reunion business meeting by a simple majority vote of member’s present provided the proposed amendments have been submitted to the Chairperson and the Regional or City Director of their area, if there be one in writing before the meeting.


The McFadden-Whaley Family By-Laws Were Received and Adopted as Read in Our Family Meeting on Saturday, September 1, 2012


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina