"We Love Him because, He First Loved Us!" 
I John 4:19 (KJV)

McFadden Whaley Family Reunion Website 



Calling All Family!

Washington, D.C. Here We Come!

July 23-25, 2021


January 5, 2021

Good evening Family and Happy New Year!  

This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.  I pray that all is well.  This email is to provide additional information regarding our upcoming reunion. Please feel free to forward this information to other family members and friends.

- Great News!! Our New website will be available on tomorrow, January 6, 2021.  Please take a few minutes to peruse the site.  The web address is still the same mcfaddenfamilyreunion12.com.  I would like to hear from each of you.  If you have any photos or shoutouts you'd like to share with family on the site, please feel free to email them to me.  There is also a page that is being designed to acknowledge our deceased loved ones.  Please send their names, Sunrise and Sunset.  This page will be displayed  later on our site. 

- Registration for our 2021 reunion is NOW OPEN. It is imperative that you go in and register your family right away.  This will help us a great deal in the planning process to give vendors a more accurate headcount. 


- Family Household dues are $50.00 per family. This is due each year on January 15.  Additional information is provided on our website. 


- T-shirts - We will have t-shirts this year. The cost has not changed.  You can review on our website.  


- Banquet on Saturday - The cost is still the same for family members.  More information is provided on the website as well. 


- Caps and Visors - At no cost to you, we will have caps for the men and boys and visors for the women and girls.  One cap will be provided per registered family member.  The caps & visors will have adjustable straps so no need to worry about head size. 


- Lodging - We will be lodging at the Hilton located at 950 North Stafford Street, Arlington VA.  You can check this out on our website as well.  A link will be provided in the near future to secure your room.  


- Talent Night Showcase - Yes! Yes! Yes!  We plan to do this again.  We're looking for 100% participation.  You can showcase individually or as a group and everyone that participates will receive a prize.


- Annual Fundraiser - Sharon will be mailing the tickets very soon.   We're asking all family members to please be responsible for at least 10 tickets.  


- Birthday Month Celebration Fundraiser - Each family member pays only $1.00 per letter in the month you were borned.  Ex: May would pay $3.00 and so on. 


- Souvenir AD Journal - Please family!  I urge you to purchase an AD this year.  Please see attached and additional information is also on the website.   


- Payments can be mailed or paid online using the $CashApp for your convenience. You can access directly from our website.  If you need to mail a payment please send to: Mrs. Sharon M. Young, 2567 Daegan Drive, Avon OH 44011.  We also have the installment plan available, same as last reunion.  More information is on the website. 


- Family Tour - Washington DC has a lot to explore. We will be picked up from our hotel on Saturday morning by bus.   Additional information is also on the website. 


Family, I pray that you will be able to attend.  More information will be forthcoming.  


Please don't forget to register for your reunion at mcfaddenfamilyreunion12.com.



Love you all!