"We Love Him because, He First Loved Us!" 
I John 4:19 (KJV)

McFadden Whaley Family Reunion Website 



Email sent November 14, 2014

Good Morning All:

This is the day that the Lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it! 
I realize how busy we all are and this is just a friendly reminder to please go on the website and pre-register for the family reunion. 
We are still in the planning stages and we encourage you to please help us by responding promptly to any request that is sent out by this committee. If there is something that you are not quite sure about or need additional information before deciding, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 315-877-7807 or my email at flightgospel@hotmail.com.
Some Particulars:
I encourage everyone to start saving up for dues, hotel arrangements, flights and etc. where applicable.  You do not have to wait until the deadline dates to start sending your money.
- The $50.00 per household family reunion dues: Due date is January 15, 2015. 
- Per Member Cost ages 13 and older:  There will be 3 installment payments for the per member cost. The months are March 15, 2015, May 15, 2015 and last installment being July 1st, 2015. We will get the total per member cost to you by January 1, 2015 if not before.
- The hotel arrangements have been made and the information is listed on the website for you to review.  Once the hotel sends the link to us, I will post it on the website and this link will take you directly to the McFadden/Whaley hotel information. No action is needed right now. Deadline for hotel registrations is July 28, 2015. Once the deadline is reached, if you need a hotel after that these rates are not guaranteed.
- 2013-2014 Financial Report - this report is available only by request and only to those family members who have participated in our reunion. An email request should be sent directly to me at flightgospel@hotmail.com to request this report and it will be sent by our Treasurer (Sharon Rogers). We encourage you not to share or forward this information to anyone. Any family member wanting a copy should send an email as advised above or request it in writing or via telephone if they do not have email. 
Thank you for your cooperation and consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please don't forget to register today!


2015 Family Reunion Planning Committee.  